Free Download Diane's Books in English

God Is Good And Good Means Good
God Is Good And Good Means Good
Why Did This Happen, What Is God Doing?
Why Did This Happen, What Is God Doing?
The Best Is Yet To Come What The Bible Says About Heaven
The Best Is Yet To Come What The Bible Says About Heaven
You Can Stand the Storm: How the Bible Makes You Rock Solid
You Can Stand the Storm: How the Bible Makes You Rock Solid

Free Download Diane's Books in Spanish

Spanish, The Best Is Yet To Come What The Bible Says About Heaven
Spanish, The Best Is Yet To Come What The Bible Says About Heaven

Español – Lo que dice la Biblia sobre el cielo

Spanish, God Is Good And Good Means Good
Spanish, God Is Good And Good Means Good
Spanish, Why Did This Happen What Is God Doing?
Spanish, Why Did This Happen What Is God Doing?
Spanish, Coming Soon
Spanish, Coming Soon

Free Download Diane's Books in Hindi

The Best Is Yet To Come (सर्वश्रेष्ठआनाअभीबाकीहै)
The Best Is Yet To Come (सर्वश्रेष्ठआनाअभीबाकीहै)
Hindi, Why Did This Happen, What Is God Doing?
Hindi, Why Did This Happen, What Is God Doing?
Hindi, God Is Good And Good Means Good
Hindi, God Is Good And Good Means Good
Hindi, You Can Stand the Storm: How the Bible Makes You Rock Solid
Hindi, You Can Stand the Storm: How the Bible Makes You Rock Solid

Free Download Diane's Books in Urdu

The Best Is Yet To Come (بہترینابھیآناباقیہے)
The Best Is Yet To Come (بہترینابھیآناباقیہے)
Urdu, Why did this happen? What is God doing?
Urdu, Why did this happen? What is God doing?
Urdu, Coming Soon
Urdu, Coming Soon
Urdu, Coming Soon 2
Urdu, Coming Soon 2

Best Books on Christianity

Christians believe that Heaven is a real place, but details about our future home are often unclear and unexciting. Let’s be real. Who wants to spend eternity playing harps?
Where’s the thrill in a never-ending church service? And to think that we’ll no longer recognize our loved ones is quite sad.

Fortunately, the Bible reveals that all these ideas about Heaven are false. The truth is, we will know our family and friends in the life to come. We’ll work without toil and have time to pursue our passions. We’ll even enjoy simple pleasures like meals, fashion, music, and sporting events.

In The Best is Yet to Come, author Diane M. Kannady takes you on a step-by-step journey of what awaits those who have committed their lives to Jesus Christ.

Topics include:

– What happens when we die?
– What is life like in Heaven?
– Does marriage exist?
– How do people act in Heaven?
– Do pets go to Heaven?
– Is the earth in our future?

Of course, there’s no way to answer every question about what’s ahead. But the Bible makes it clear that Heaven is great gain compared to our current lives on earth—great gain and not loss. So, no matter what this life holds, you can rejoice in knowing that the best is yet to come!

God is Good

4.02 + S&H


God, How could you let this happen?

If we’re honest, most of us have had this question cross our minds, especially when unexpected hardships invade our lives. We’ve heard that God will sometimes orchestrate bad circumstances as a way to draw us closer to Him. Yet, deep down, we know it’s impossible to trust people who would purposefully hurt us, even if they claim it’s for our good in the long run. This picture of God has led many of us to harbor doubt, fear, and anger toward the One we’re told to turn to for help.

In GOD IS GOOD, author Diane Kannady uncovers the Bible’s definition of God’s goodness and shatters the widely accepted belief that God authorizes evil for His higher purposes. Using a series of commonly asked “Yes , but what about…?” questions, Diane well take you on a journey to explore:

* God’s sovereignty
* God’s actions in the Old Testament
* Job’s trials
* Paul’s thorn
* Christian suffering
* God’s discipline and chastening
Life can be hard. But you can have confidence that you’ll stand strong in the midst of your toughest trials when you know GOD IS GOOD…and Good Means Good.

Why Happen What God Doing

3.82 + S&H


Why did This Happen? What is God doing?

Life is filled with challenges that cause real heartache and pain. These difficulties
can be even harder to overcome when we ask two seemingly innocent questions:
Why did this happen? What is God doing?Join author Diane Kannady as she reveals
how incorrect answers to the why and what questions can diminish your faith in the
midst of hard times. Daine also will help you understand how God works in life’s
trials as she guides you through a careful review of scripture and a study of the lives
or several well-known Bible figures. Why did this happen? What is God doing? is a
close companion to Diane’s first book, God is Good and Good Means Good. In this f
ollow-up study, she continues to explore numerous aspects of God’s character that will
encourage you no matter what adversity you may be facing.

Topics include:

* God’s unconditional love
* Your value and worth
* God’s present purpose
* A right perspective on troubles
* Responding versus reacting

If you’re trying to make sense of life’s unexpected hardships, then Why did this happen?
What is God doing? is for you. You’ll learn how to keep the why and what questions at
bay with knowledge of God’s word. You’ll also gain an even greater appreciation for
God’s ability to work genuine good out of every situation that comes you way.

11.99 + S&H


You Can Stand the Storm: How the Bible Makes You Rock Solid

In her latest book, You Can Stand the Storm: How the Bible Makes You Rock Solid, author Diane M. Kannady offers a simple, yet life-changing, solution to overcoming hardships: Become a regular, systematic reader of the Bible. Perhaps you’re thinking, “That’s nothing new. I already read the Bible.” However, if personal or group Bible studies and daily devotionals are what you have in mind, think again.

In her straightforward, easy-to-understand style, Diane challenges you to redefine what reading the Bible actually means. She explains the approach that has served her for over forty years and helped her learn much of what she teaches today. She also provides practical tips on ways you can integrate Bible reading into your daily schedule, no matter how busy it gets.

Plus, you’ll learn:
– The purpose of the Bible
– The importance of a proper, biblical perspective
– What it means to have fully persuaded faith
– How a steady focus on Jesus helps combat deception
– The negative impact of distractions
– The source of true joy and peace

No doubt, you will face problems in this life—some big, some small. But by reading the Bible regularly and systematically, you can prevail over whatever comes your way. So start reading today. You’ll be glad you did. Before long, you’ll recognize that with God’s Word, you can stand the storm!

Best Yet Come

The Best Is Yet To Come (بہترینابھیآناباقیہے)

The Best is Yet to Come: What the Bible Says About Heaven Copyright © 2018 by Diane M. Kannady/Cover design by Gino Morrow Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007, 2013, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™ Scriptures marked (KJV) are taken from the KING JAMES VERSION (KJV): KING JAMES VERSION, public domain. Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified® Bible (AMPC), Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB), Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked (J. B. Phillips) are reprinted with the permission of Scribner, a Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., from THE NEW TESTAMENT IN MODERN ENGLISH― REVISED EDITION by J. B. Phillips. Copyright © 1958, 1960, 1972 by J. B. Phillips. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (TLB) are taken from The Living Bible, Copyright © 1971. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked (NCV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Century Version, Copyright © 1987, 1988, 1991 by Word Publishing, Dallas, Texas 75039. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked (CEV) are from the Contemporary English Version, Copyright © 1991, 1992, 1995 by American Bible Society. Used by Permission. Scripture quotations marked (The Word) are from THE WORD: The Bible From 26 Translations, Copyright © 1988, 1991, 1993 by Mathis Publishers, Inc., Moss Point, Mississippi 39562. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from THE MESSAGE, copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress. All rights reserved. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Published by TruConnections Press ISBN 13: 978-0-9846967- 5-8

The Best Is Yet To Come (सर्वश्रेष्ठआनाअभीबाकीहै)

सवĮ[ ेçठ आना अभी बाकȧ है: बाइबल èवग के बारे [ मɅ Èया कहती है।
कॉपीराइट © २०१८ ɮवारा- डैनी- ͧमͧसज कनैडी/ कवर ͫडजाइन- ͬगनो मोरो।
िèĐÜटचुर कोटशÛस माक[ड ( ऐन, एल, टȣ) आर टेके न ĥॉम द हौलȣ बाइबल, Ûयूͧलͪवगं Ěासं लेशन, कॉपीराइट
©१९९६, २००४, २००७, २०१३, २०१५ बाए Ǒटडं ले हाउस फाउं डेशन. यóू ड बाए परͧमशन ऑफ़ Ǒटडं ले हाउस पिÞलशस, [
आई,ऐन,सी., कै रोल èĚȣम, इलने ॉइस ६०१८८. आल राइɪस ǐरजåड.।

िèĐÜचर कोटशÛस माकȶड (ऐन, आई, वी) आर टेके न ĥॉम द हौलȣ बाइबल, Ûयू इंटरनेशनल वजन[ ®, ऐन, आई, वी
®. कॉपीराइट © १९७३, १९७८, १९८४, २०११ बाए ǒबिÞलका, आई, ऐन, सी.™ यूóड बाए परͧमशन ऑफ़ ज़ोडेरवान.
आल राइɪस ǐरजåड[ वãडवाइड [ . द “ ऐन, आई, वी” एंड “Ûयू इंटरनेशनल वजन[ ” आर
ĚेडमाÈस[ रिजèटड इन द [ यूनाइटेड èटेɪस पेटɅट एंड Ěेडमाक[ ऑͩफस बाए ǒबिÞलका, आई, ऐन, सी.™

िèĐÜटचुर माकȶड (के,जे,वी) आर टेके न ĥॉम द ͩकंग जेàस वजन[ (के, जी,वी): ͩकंग जेàस वजन[ , पिÞलक डोमेन।
िèĐÜटचुर कोटशÛस टेके न ĥॉम द एिàÜलͩफएड® बाइǒबल ( ऐ,ऍम,पी,सी), कॉपीराइट © १९५४, १९५८, १९६२, १९६४,
१९६५, १९८७ बाए द लोकमन फाउं डेशन. यूóड बाए परͧमशन.

िèĐÜटचुर कोटशÛस टेके न ĥॉम द Ûयूअमेǐरकन èटैÖडड[ बाइǒबल® (ऐन,ऐ,ऐस,बी), कॉपीराइट © १९६०, १९६२,
१९६३, १९६८, १९७१ , १९७२ , १९७३ , १९७५ , १९७७ , १९९५ बाए द लोकमन फाउं डेशन. यूóड बाए परͧमशन.

िèĐÜटचुर कोटशÛस माकȶड (जे. बी. ͩफͧलÜस) आर रͪĤÛटेड ͪवध द परͧमशन आफ èĐȧबनेर, ऐ ͫडवीज़न ऑफ़
साइमन & सचèटर, आई, ऐन, सी., ĥॉम द ÛयूटेèटामɅट इन मॉडन[ इंिÊलश― ǐरवाइÏड एͫडशन बाए जे. बी.
ͩफͧलÜस. कॉपीराइट © १९५८, १९६०, १९७२ बाए जे. बी. ͩफͧलÜस. आल राइɪस ǐरजåड।