
A. Introduction: For several months we’ve been talking about why Jesus came into this world. According to
the men who wrote the New Testament documents (eyewitnesses of Jesus), He came into this world to pay
for the sins of humanity through His death on the Cross. I John 4:9-10
1. When a person acknowledges Jesus as Savior and Lord, on the basis of Jesus’ sacrificial death, God can
justify that person or declare them righteous, and no longer guilty of sin. Rom 5:1
a. Once a man or woman is justified, God can then indwell that person by His Spirit and life (eternal
life, the uncreated life in God Himself), and fully restore that person their created purpose—to
become God’s holy, righteous son or daughter through faith in Jesus. John 1:12-13
1. This initial encounter with the Holy Spirit is referred to as being born of God. This new birth
changes our identity from sinner to son or daughter of God. I John 5:1
2. The entrance of God’s Spirit and life is the beginning of a process of transformation that will
ultimately restore our entire being (inward and outward) to all that God intends us to be—sons
and daughters who are fully pleasing to Him in every thought, word, and deed.
b. Jesus not only opened the way for human beings to be restored to their created purpose through His
death on the Cross, Jesus is also the pattern for God’s family.
1. Rom 8:29—For God, in his foreknowledge, chose them (all who believe) to bear the family
likeness of his son (be conformed to the image of His Son), that he might be the eldest of a
family of many brothers (J.B. Phillips).
2. Jesus is God become man without ceasing to be God. While on earth, He did not live as God.
He lived as a man in dependence on God His Father. John 1:1; John 1:14; Phil 2:7-8
A. By doing so, Jesus showed us what sons and daughters of God look like. Jesus was fully
pleasing and fully glorifying to God, His Father, in everything He said and did.
B. We don’t become Jesus or lose our individuality and personality. We become like Jesus
in His humanity—like Him in character, holiness, love, and power.
2. Becoming like Jesus (being fully conformed to His image) is a process. The Holy Spirit is in us to carry
out this process of transformation and restoration. However, we have a part to play in the process.
a. We must find out from the Bible how sons and daughters of God are supposed to live, and then put
forth effort to change the way we think and act.
b. We must bring our attitudes and actions in line with God’s will (revealed in His written Word, the
Bible), with a dependence on and an expectation of the Holy Spirit’s help to do the will of God in
every area of our lives.
c. In the last two lessons, we took a brief side journey and talked about God’s will for us according to
the Bible—what His will is and how we can know it. This week, we’re going to talk more about
how we cooperate with the Holy Spirit as He works in us.
B. When Jesus was here on earth, in His teachings, He used many word pictures to convey spiritual truths.
1. For example, when Jesus He spoke about what it means to have His Spirit and His life in us, He used
the word picture water to depict a thirst quenching, continuous source of fresh, clean supply.
a. In an encounter with a woman drawing water at a well, Jesus said: People soon become thirsty
again after drinking this water. But the water I give them takes away thirst altogether. It becomes
a perpetual spring (a well) within them, giving them eternal life (John 4:14, NLT).
1. Jesus told crowds gathered at Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles: If you are thirsty, come
to me! If you believe in me, come and drink! For the Scriptures declare that rivers of living
water will flow out from within (John 7:37-38, NLT).
2. When he said “living water,” he was speaking of the Spirit, who would be given to everyone

believing in him. But the Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet entered into
his glory (John 7:39, NLT).
b. The Feast of Tabernacles was a weeklong celebration of the fall harvest. The people built booths
or temporary shelters from branches, in remembrance of how the Israelites lived in the wilderness
when they escaped Egypt. The celebration was a reminder of God’s faithfulness and protection.
1. On the last day of the feast, a priest drew water out of the Pool of Siloam, which was located
near the Temple in Jerusalem. The water was carried in a golden vessel to the Temple and
poured over the morning sacrifice as it lay on the altar.
2. The Pool of Siloam was fed by the only fresh water spring in the area, meaning that the pool had
a continuous supply of living water (as opposed to stagnant water) flowing into it.
A. All the people would sing a passage from the Book of Isaiah (Isaiah 12), especially v6—
Let all the people of Jerusalem shout his praise with joy! For great is the Holy One of
Israel who lives among you (NLT).
B. Though this feast celebrated an actual event in Israel’s history, it also pictured the ultimate
end of salvation and redemption—God coming to live with His redeemed and restored
people. A form of the word tabernacle actually means a habitation or dwelling place.
c. By comparing the Holy Spirit flowing out of those who believe on Him to a well with water, a spring
of water, and rivers of water, Jesus conveyed the idea of a continuous supply of life in us—through
the Holy Spirit—to help us and restore us.
2. Let’s look at the passage from Isaiah the prophet that was sung at the Feast of Tabernacles. It gives us
insight into how to draw water up out of the well of salvation—or how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit.
a. The chapter begins with this statement: In that day you will say: Although you were angry with
me, your anger has turned away and you have comforted me (Isa 12:1, NIV).
1. Chapter 11 sets the context for this statement. That day is the day when the Messiah (Jesus the
Savior) comes. In Chapter 11 Isaiah gave six prophecies about the coming Messiah.
2. Anger means to be angry or displeased. Sin is an offense against Almighty God. He is
displeased by sin. But through the salvation He has provided at the Cross, God’s anger (God’s
displeasure at sin) is turned away from those who believe on Jesus.
A. The night that Jesus was born, when angels appeared to shepherds outside of Bethlehem,
they declared that the Savior, Christ the Lord, had been born. Luke 2:8-13
B. Note what one of the angels proclaimed: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace
among those with whom he is pleased (Luke 2:14, ESV).
b. Notice the first fact Isaiah gives about the day of salvation (the day the Messiah comes) in chapter
12: See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be afraid. The Lord God is my
strength and my song; he has become my salvation (Isa 12:2, NLT).
1. Then Isaiah makes this statement: With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation
(Isa 12:3, NIV).
2. Because of what Jesus has done through His death and resurrection, those who believe on Him
have a well of salvation in them—His indwelling life and Spirit (the Holy Spirit).
3. Isa 12:3 states that we draw water out of the well of salvation with joy. Obviously, the idea is that the
one who is praising the Lord for His salvation is joyful or emotionally excited. But this is more than an
emotional response to the salvation God provides.
a. Isa 12:4 says: In that wonderful day (the day the Savior comes) you will sing (and say): Thank the
Lord! Praise his name! Tell the world what he has done. Oh, how mighty he is (NLT).
1. The original Hebrew word that is translated praise and thank in this passage means the act of
acknowledging what is right about God in praise and thanksgiving. Tell the world what He has
done literally means to proclaim His name.

2. God’s names are all various expressions of His character and actions: The Holy One, the
Self-Existent One (I Am); the Mighty One; the Lord our victory, our provider, our Healer, our
Righteousness, our Savior; etc.
b. Praise, in its most basic form, is a verbal acknowledgment of the virtues and works (character and
accomplishments) of someone. To praise God means to acknowledge who He is and what He does.
1. In our normal human interactions, there are times when it is appropriate to praise someone—or
acknowledge and commend their character or actions. It has nothing to do with how we feel or
the circumstances we’re experiencing in our personal lives.
2. We acknowledge them, or praise them, because it is appropriate. It’s always appropriate to
praise or acknowledge God for who He is, and for what He has done, is doing, and will do.
4. We draw up water out of the well of salvation through praise—by proclaiming who God is and what He
has done, is doing, and will do, no matter how we feel or what we are experiencing. By doing so, we
activate joy, a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22). Fruit is outward evidence of the life within.
a. The Greek word that translated joy means to be “cheer”ful, to rejoice, to be glad. Notice that it is
“be” cheerful rather than “feel” cheerful.
1. Because of the nature of life in a fallen world, we often don’t feel cheerful. In fact, we all
experience emotional sadness and pain. Yet we can still be “cheer”ful.
A. Cheer, in its most basic form, means to give hope and urge on. When you cheer someone,
you urge them on and encourage them, by giving them hope.
B. When you praise God by acknowledging what is right about Him and by proclaiming who
God is and what He has done, is doing, and will do, you cheer or encourage yourself.
2. It is right to praise God. Men ought to praise God for His goodness and wonderful works, for
who He is and what He has done, is doing, and will do. Ps 107:8,15,21, 31
A. When we read the entire psalm, we find that the psalmist acknowledged God with specific
statements about God’s greatness, His past help, and promise of present and future help.
B. Praise is the same word used in Isa 12:4 (to acknowledge what is right about God). The
Hebrew word translated goodness has the idea of kindness, mercy, goodness,
faithfulness, and love which is expressed in acts of kindness.
b. Possibly you’ve heard the verse that says the joy of the Lord is our strength (Neh 8:10). Consider
the context of that statement. The people of Israel were in a very difficult situation. To encourage
them, the leadership read the Law of Moses (the Bible) to them, and then explained it. Neh 8:5-9
1. The people were sad and crying because of their situation, and because they realized the many
mistakes they had made.
2. However, note the end result: The people went away with great joy because they had heard
God’s words and understood them (Neh 8:12, NLT). In other words, when they heard and
understood the Word of God, it cheered and encouraged them—or strengthened them.
c. When we cheer or encourage ourselves through praise to God (by talking about who He is and what
He has done and will do), the Holy Spirit in us strengthens us with the fruit of joy or inner strength.
C. The Holy Spirit is in us to help us. Jesus called Him the Comforter (John 14:16). The Greek word that is
translated Comforter literally means someone called alongside to give aid or help.
1. It is the Holy Spirit’s work to impart to us continually the eternal, uncreated life in Jesus, who is the true
source of life for our inward and outward man.
a. In the Book of Acts we see men and women who were born of God and filled with the Spirit referred
to as being filled with the Spirit again and again. Acts 4:8; Acts 4:31; Acts 13:9
b. They didn’t receive something or Someone who wasn’t already there. They experienced the
effects of the Holy Spirit’s continuous supply—the well spring, the river, within them.

1. Paul the apostle told Christians who were already born of and filled with the Spirit (Acts
19:1-7) to be filled with the Spirit.
2. Eph 5:18-20—And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery (over-indulgence), but be
filled with the Spirit, addressing (speaking to) one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual
songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart, giving thanks always and for
everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (ESV).
2. Filled is a present tense verb: (Be) ever filled and stimulated by the (Holy) Spirit (Eph 5:18, Amp); but
be constantly controlled by the Spirit (Eph 5:18,Wuest).
a. Notice the connection between being filled (abundantly supplied or permeated) by the Holy Spirit
and speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns (Eph 5:19). To these first Christians, hymns
meant the Scriptures, specifically the Psalms, which were spoken (recited) or sung.
1. Matt 26:30—At the conclusion of the Last Supper, before Jesus and His apostles went to the
Garden of Gethsemane, they sang or recited a hymn (or psalm). We know from ancient Jewish
writings that at every Passover, the people sang or chanted (recited) Ps 113-118.
2. These psalms were known as the Hallel from the first word in Ps 113—praise (halal). It means
to shine, hence to make a show, to boast. They recount God’s goodness, bigness, deliverance,
mercy, and help. Ps 118 has two powerful prophecies of the coming Messiah (v22; v26).
b. After Jesus returned to Heaven, new hymns and praises, based on the teachings of the apostles, were
composed (I Tim 3:16; I Cor 15:3-4). They were meant to glorify God and edify believers.
3. Notice the connection between being filled (abundantly supplied or permeated) by the Holy Spirit and
giving thanks always and for everything to God (Eph 5:20). To give thanks means express gratefulness.
a. When you recount God’s past help, present provision, and promise for the future, it makes you
grateful and motivates you to praise God.
b. The problem is that, in the face of life’s many challenges and hardships, we often don’t feel like
being thankful or praising God.
1. One of the main points we’ve made in our recent lessons is that becoming a Christian involves
a change in the direction of your life. You turn away from living for you your way, to living
for God, His way. You commit to doing His will above all. II Cor 5:15; Matt 16:24
2. God’s will is revealed in His Word. The Bible is a revelation of His will for us. Jesus
summed up God’s will in two commands. Obey God’s moral Law (love God with your entire
being) and treat others as you wish to be treated (love your neighbor). Matt 22:37-40
c. Note another clear statement of the will of God for us: Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give
thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (I Thess 5:16-18, ESV).
1. It is God’s will that we always rejoice and give thanks. The Greek word that is translated
rejoice means to be “cheer”ful (as opposed to “feel” cheerful). The word joy (the fruit of the
indwelling Holy Spirit) is a form of this same word.
2. When you choose to obey God and begin to cheer yourself by praising God and thanking God
(or acknowledging who He is and what He has done) the Holy Spirit strengthens you inwardly
to follow through on that choice. You draw up water out of the well of salvation.
D. Conclusion: We have more to say about this next week, but consider these two thoughts as we close.
1. One of the ways that we draw up water out of the well of salvation, or cooperate with the Holy Spirit as
He works in us, is through praise to Almighty God—by acknowledging who God is and what He has
done, is doing, and will do.
2. Praising God is not a technique to get some kind of result. It is an act of obedience. And, it is an
expression of trust or faith in Almighty God who is for us, with us, and in us to help us. Much more next