Fridaynight Meetings 7:30 PM Friday
This ministry began in 1992, and has grown steadily by God’s grace. We are dedicated to using our gifts to build the Body of Christ through teaching His Word with insight and perfection. The most frequent testimony from those who study Diane’s Bible Teachings is “Life Changing”. We meet weekly at a Christian Center. This has been our home church since the beginning. Our Friday night meetings are blessed with Praise and Worship. Our meetings start with worship songs written and produced from Diane’s lessons. Following Praise and worship Diane delivers a detailed teaching. These teachings are also posted on Facebook, Youtube, and are available here on our web page.
We are truly blessed when God’s children are transformed and have a deeper understanding of The Bible. We are sure you will be blessed and hope to see you soon!
We Meet at Christian Center On Fridays 7:30PM 314-479-4957 | |